Physical Kanban Board & Physical Scrum Board - Combo Set
when two great products get together!
Pyhsical Kanban Board & Scrum Board - Full Magnetic
Agile Management Magnetic Cards Set, Plus
Easel (Dry Erase Agile Board Stand)

The set comes with the best Agile Management Magnetic Cards set in the market worldwide literally! It is our Agile Management Magnetic Cards Set, Plus. It has 156 pieces of items in it. It includes Magnetic Task Cards in three color, Magnetic Headline Cards (Magnetic Column Cards), Magnetic Blockers Cards (Magnetic Srum and Kanban Alert Cards) and Magnetic Detail Cards
THIS SET INCLUDES; | Agile Kanban & Scrum Combo Set |
Pre-Designed Agile Magnetic Board | 1 |
Magnetic Task Cards | 100 (in three colors; Grey, Yellow, Green) |
Magnetic Detail Cards (Magnetic Story Cards) | 25 |
Magnetic Headline Cards (Magnetic Column Cards) | 5 & Integrated |
Empty Magnetic Headline (Column) Cards | 4 |
Magnetic Blocker Cards (Magnetic Alert Cards) | 10 |
Special Magnetic Card Markers (0.6 mm tips) | 3 |
Magnetic Board Markers | 4 |
Kanban & Scrum Column Line Tapes | 3 & Integrated |
Cleaning Items (Magnetic Board Eraser & Cloth) | 1 + 1 |
Wall mounth set | 1 |
Tasks cards are your key players in the set! They are to capture project tasks, assign these tasks to individuals in the team and record task details on them toward task closures. Task cards come in three different colors; Grey, Yellow, and Green, so it gives you an opportunity to group different tasks for your specific needs in the project.
Dimensions; 11 cm x 6.6 cm (4"4' x 6"6')
The board design finalized after several tests to make sure it was as big and as small as it should be!
The magnetic board dimensions;
23 “ (58 cm) x 42 “ (106 cm)