Frequently Asked Questions - pmxboard

1) Where does pmxboard ship its products from? 
Our warehouse is located in Temecula, California and we ship majority of orders from there. However, we also use Amazon FBA for some products in the US, Canada, Germany and United Kingdom. 

2) Does pmxboard sell and ship to anywhere in the world? 
We do ship to majority of countries in the world. We have an agreement with the USPS and your shipping cost will be calculated automatically at the check out step. If your address is able to be entered at the check out step, it means that we can ship your order to your address.

3) Does pmxboard own the design of its products? 
Yes, we own our pdoduct designs, and we do not sell any product besides our own brand as well as do not allow third parties to sell our products. 

4) Where is the headquarter of pmxboard? 
pmxboard was founded in Temecula, California in 2020 in the USA and its headquarter is still located in Temecula. 

5) In which countries is pmxboard registered as business? 
Our company was founded in the USA and first registered in the State of California, USA. However, we have registered pmxboard in the UK and Germany in 2022, and it has currently still a good standing in both countries besides the USA.

6) What makes our product different than others on the market
All of our products are unique in design, and some of our products offer features that none of other products on the market offer such as providing a complete Agile Management Set that includes a special Agile Board, or having a mobile Agile Management Board Set, or the world's most comprehensive Project Management Magnetic Board Set. Moreover, we only use premium materials in our products to aim that our products will last years with our customers.