5 Reasons to consider physical Portfolio Project Management Board Set by pmxboard

1) The most comprehensive and complete Portfolio Management Board Kit in the world
Apart from its broad KPI coverage, it captures up to 20 projects & programs on it to manage!
2) Complete overview with several sub KPIs on it.
You will not miss any important KPI on your board! Everything will be under track
3) Ultra light Full Magnetic Board
This ultra light magnetic board made of high density EVA, and it comes with two locating options.
4) Maximize the visual aspects
You will maximize visualization effects of your board with 666 pieces of color coded status Indicators
5) Your strong communication tool
Provides great leverage to communicate with various stakeholders either project team members, or managers or executives

This article is not really about physical board versus digital board discussion, but let me start with providing some insights about physical versus digital aspects to be able to explain the topic from a bit wider perspective. There are many reasons to consider physical boards instead of digital boards regardless it is a Portfolio Management Board, Agile Management Board, Project Management board, Kanban Board, Scrum Board etc. However, hold on, we are not against the digitalization era, we are part of it, we are in the center of it! We would need to write a separate and a long article about how digital boards can bring some benefits that physical board would not be able to, and many content in that article would probably not come as surprise to many of you. However, we believe that we need to look at this matter from a different perspective. First of all, this is not a race, and this is not about asking if the physical is better thandigital or vice versa. We think that this is about embracing benefits of both options and understanding what different options provide what value to your unique case and make a decision accordingly! In other words, it is not about one being better than the other.

That said, what is it that a physical portfolio management board or a project management board can do that digital boards can not do! Well, if we are talking about features on the board, or the KPIs under track, it is not a brainer, whatever physical board can do, of course digital boards can do.

However, there are a few details that need to be understood well in my opinion. First of all, a digital tool will never be as visible as a physical board could be. You will have countless windows and browsers open in your computer and your good looking digital tool will get lost among them unless you specifically bring it to the front in order to pull a data or check something. On the other hand, a physical board will be staring at you at every time you walk by it and will be for sure more visible to you. If you located your board especially in a place that you look at it unintentially often time such as just across your work desk, or in the coridor where you go to kitchen or to restroom, well, guess what, it will get your attention without you are putting intentional effort, so it is like non stop working process back in your subconcious mind that keeps reminding your important items. In other words, it will be working for you all the time without you are putting too much effort in it. Visualization is one of the most effective tools in our lives to leverage, this is how human anatomy is designed, so, to simply put, a physical board will bring great benefits around prioritizing some key actions that your board is calling relative to a digital tool can offer.

There is also one other element that I think it will never change no matter wha technological developments occur and how greatly they will improve our lives , which is the connection with physical elements! Ownership feeling of a good looking physical board, touching to it, writing notes on it wiht your hands will connect you greatly with that activity well beyond what a digital board can do.

So, this list can really go on and on, but hopfully I could bring some perspectives for your consideration. One more time, this is not about how digitalization is bad and physical is good, which is not the case, but stopping for a minute and remembering all the good things about physical activities and embracing them while we enjoy all the great things that digital tools have to offer!

That said, let's move on to the marketing part (partly humor intented!). What is it that makes pmxboard's Portoflio Management Board unique and why you should consider owning it? 5 reasons to list; 

1) The most comprehensive and complete physical Portfolio Management Board Kit in the world

Special design Portfolio Board provides a complete overview of a large portfolio up to 20 projects and programs. You can easily sense overall status of each projects on the board from 10 feet and in 3 seconds. 20 seperate projects on each line also provide separate status for sub KPIs with color codes. You can even capture main risks, set priorities, identify project managers, sponsors and portfolio manager. Great way to manage your project and programs while you provide significant transparency to the rest of the organization.

2) Complete overview with several sub KPIs on it

Project & Product Introduction
> Priority setting column
> Overall Project Status Indicator (with color magnets)
> Project & Product Name
> Project Lead Name
> Sponsor Name

Milestones & Stages
> Progress bar up to 6 milestones (with color magnets). Milestone names can be customized

> Overall Timeline Status
> Project Start, Project End (Target), Project End (Actual)
> Breakdown for each predefined 6 Milestones; individual status of each milestone (with color magnets), Target and Actual completion dates

> Budget Status (with color magnets)
> Projected Budget
> Actual Budget Spending

Notes & Risks
> Additional Space for notes and risks

3) Ultra light Full Magnetic Project WhiteBoard

The board is just over 6 lb! A special high density EVA material used to make this board! It is light, nice looking and full magnetic. eco friendly UV printing keeps the visual aspects and the color quality high. You can keep writing and cleaning this board for long years without realizing and degredation in quality.

The board can be put on a wall or any surface by using two wall mount holes, or alternatively it can be snapped on another magnetic board easily. The third option comes with a tripod.

4) Maximize the visuality aspects with your project board

Not only the overall project & program status can be color coded in relation to their actual status, you can also color code many sub KPIs to distinguish what is on track and what is not! Moreover, it has 6 staged progress bar where anybody can see the progress on each project easily without needing to even review any detail at the first glance! You just snap them on the board at the designated spaces! When you need to learn more detail about any reported status on the board, you can do that directly on the board. All milestones timelines as well as budget KPIs compare targets to actuals, so you can see easily why any given KPI is red, yellow or green right just on the board!

5) Your strong communication tool on your projects

Regardless you are using this in a small team, as part of a big organization, or at home, it will communicate the right message with everybody from every level. The project team members, management and executives will enjoy the holistic overview in one board while it enables deep dive! It will improve the communication and transparancy dramatically in your environment.

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